Tersindir secara gak sengaja oleh blog temanku, hah baru nyadar sekarang *telat (rolling eyes)
Sebenarnya gak terkejut juga sih, soalnya temanku ini -which unfortunately I can't tell his name- memang lebih jago di bidang sastra, dilihat dari gaya penceritaan cerpen sewaktu kuliah dulu yang dia sodorkan padaku, pilihan diksi dan kosakatanya bisa dibilang “lumayan bagus” ketimbang aku, sense novel pun bisa di bilang “freak” haha my point is.. bahasanya susah dicerna oleh orang awam dan untuk film pun kadang gak nemu kecocokan antara aku dengannya, sebut saja contoh “Eh Ndik, tonton deh film ini, 9/10 deh” dan kemudian aku tonton.. what the heiii, film apa ini? Aku kagak ngerti huhuhu *moron . Intinya ya.. tulisan blog-ku ini masih terlalu standard, ngomong seadanya, asal nulis dan tak memperhatikan “buat apa sih tujuan ngeblog itu?”. Oke.. mulai kali ini aku akan mencoba berbahasa “sedikit dewasa” agar tidak terlalu kelihatan childish hehe *big smile.
Sebenarnya gak terkejut juga sih, soalnya temanku ini -which unfortunately I can't tell his name- memang lebih jago di bidang sastra, dilihat dari gaya penceritaan cerpen sewaktu kuliah dulu yang dia sodorkan padaku, pilihan diksi dan kosakatanya bisa dibilang “lumayan bagus” ketimbang aku, sense novel pun bisa di bilang “freak” haha my point is.. bahasanya susah dicerna oleh orang awam dan untuk film pun kadang gak nemu kecocokan antara aku dengannya, sebut saja contoh “Eh Ndik, tonton deh film ini, 9/10 deh” dan kemudian aku tonton.. what the heiii, film apa ini? Aku kagak ngerti huhuhu *moron . Intinya ya.. tulisan blog-ku ini masih terlalu standard, ngomong seadanya, asal nulis dan tak memperhatikan “buat apa sih tujuan ngeblog itu?”. Oke.. mulai kali ini aku akan mencoba berbahasa “sedikit dewasa” agar tidak terlalu kelihatan childish hehe *big smile.
Cukup untuk inspirasi dari temanku ini… sebenarnya hari ini aku ingin sedikit bercerita tentang.. yeah rasa “kecut” di hati ini. Gosh !!!! it’s been a year we’ve never talk each other and today it’s kinda weird. Rasanya hati ini pingin menjerit di kantor siang ini, bukannya lebay tapi itulah yang kurasa.. campur aduk antara sakit hati, kecewa dan rindu. Like what Morrissey said in his song.. The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get, damn it!! That’s amazingly true *sobbing loudly
What should I supposed to do then? Rasanya pingin sekali tahu bagaimana kabarnya sekarang, tapi yang kurasa masih saja kecewa. Terakhir kali yang kutemui hanya bullshit semata darinya, owh kuharap sekali tak pernah bertemu dan mengenalnya seumur hidupku, I’m totally screwed up!
Kali ini rasanya pas sekali lagu terbaru Josh Groban yang jadi backing sound hariku, take a listen first here (Now at #38 ATC Hitz Top 50 after 2 weeks)
Over mountains and sky blue seas
All great circles, will you watch for me?
The sweetest feeling I've got inside
I just can't wait to get lost in your eyes
And all these words that you meant to say
Held in silence day after day
Words of kindness that our poor hearts crave
Please don't keep them hidden away
Singing out so I can finally breathe in
I can take in all you say
Holding out for something I believe in
All I really need today
I want to free your heart
I want to see your heart
Please don't keep your heart
Hidden away
You're a wonder, how bright you shine
A flickered candle in a short life time
A secret dreamer that never shows
If no one sees you then nobody knows
And all these words you were meant to say
Held in silence day after day
Words of kindness that our poor hearts crave
Please don't keep them hidden away
Singing out so I can finally breathe in
I can take in all you say
Reaching out for someone I believe in
All I really need today
I want to feel your love
When you reveal your love
Please don't keep your love
Hidden away
All great circles, will you watch for me?
The sweetest feeling I've got inside
I just can't wait to get lost in your eyes
And all these words that you meant to say
Held in silence day after day
Words of kindness that our poor hearts crave
Please don't keep them hidden away
Singing out so I can finally breathe in
I can take in all you say
Holding out for something I believe in
All I really need today
I want to free your heart
I want to see your heart
Please don't keep your heart
Hidden away
You're a wonder, how bright you shine
A flickered candle in a short life time
A secret dreamer that never shows
If no one sees you then nobody knows
And all these words you were meant to say
Held in silence day after day
Words of kindness that our poor hearts crave
Please don't keep them hidden away
Singing out so I can finally breathe in
I can take in all you say
Reaching out for someone I believe in
All I really need today
I want to feel your love
When you reveal your love
Please don't keep your love
Hidden away